A video of a family showering Rs 100 to 500 notes in the air at a wedding procession is making rounds on the internet. Reportedly, guests spent Rs 20 lakh in thin air. In the clip, guests are seen ...
On July 19th, the Reserve Bank of India said it would issue a new 100-rupee note. Five new banknotes have been introduced since demonetisation- 10 rupees, 50 rupees, 200 rupees, 500 rupees and ...
The RBI has introduced new Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 currency notes after demonetisation. Subsequently, new Rs 200 notes were also introduced in India.
A photo was recently shared on Facebook claiming that Rs 5,000 currency note was about to be released by the Reserve Bank of ...
If you win Mr India what would your first big splurge be: Get more 100 rupees notes from the longest queues outside banks and ATM. What's the craziest thing a girl has ever done for you to impress you ...