Or for Briggeman’s orange machine ... up new enthusiasm and bumpy paths to adventure. The New Beetle was never going to replace the original air-cooled VeeDub Bug. Happily, though, it has ...
Agriculture specialists examining an air cargo shipment discovered the beetles concealed inside multiple packages of snacks, ...
Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum: the 'central complex' in the brain is already formed when still a larva and new research shows it even starts to function although still 'under construction'.
At the 1994 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Volkswagen unveiled a Concept One show car that was a postmodern reimagining of the original Beetle. The concept vehicle was a smash ...
With its shiny, black and fiery body and orange-tipped antennae, the American burying beetle is a vibrant beauty of the bug world. The insect's occupation, though, is a little less glamorous. After ...