to pitch the Ealinton Tournament tent in Central Africa, at the confluence of the Niger and the Tchadda, with the object of there founding a depot of religious and agricultural knowledge ...
The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina has for years sought federal recognition, and President Donald Trump is pushing for them ...
Mashco-Piro tribe live in Manú National Park in south-east Peru Clan is thought to number in the hundreds in area around Diamante Indians live by rigid social code, and regularly kidnap other ...
The Congress shall have Power To ...regulate Commerce...with the Indian Tribes.... But recent scholarship has cast serious doubt upon the proposition that the Framers intended the power to be ...
A southern African tribe with tantalizing claims to an ancient ... I got as far as the Indian Ocean, having successfully followed clues across Africa, and then somehow in the Indian Ocean there ...
Africa's diversity, State meets Nation ... [Reuters] I use the term “nation” and not “tribe”, because this term comes from the Latin tributum, a tax imposed by Servus Tullius sixth ...
Indian country is not a political party. We are Pte Oyate — 'buffalo people.' " Renville offered some concessions for what the tribes and the state have accomplished together over the past few ...