Looking for information on Tawau Airport, Tawau, Malaysia? Know about Tawau Airport in detail. Find out the location of Tawau Airport on Malaysia map and also find out airports near to Tawau. This ...
In a statement, AirAsia confirmed that Flight AK5741 returned to Tawau International Airport due to a technical alert related to one of its engines. "The flight crew, following strict safety and ...
KOTA KINABALU - AirAsia has confirmed that a flight's return to Tawau Airport last Saturday was due to a technical alert triggered by a bird strike affecting one of the aircraft's engines.
How are you planning to address recent congestion complaints in Tawau and Kota Kinabalu airports? Mohd Izani: We have been collaborating with internal stakeholders as well as relevant state ...
The government's decision to extend subsidies to ensure the success of the airfare initiative during festive seasons has helped reduce people's grievances about high airline ticket prices, said ...