A new part of an ocean plant cell has been discovered that might revolutionize farming one day. The structure can take nitrogen and convert it into the ingredient that helps all organisms grow.
A recent study finds that algae can store nutrients, potentially allowing them to spread across more of the ice sheet, ...
The newly discovered algae species Streptofilum arcticum possesses a potentially highly flexible cell wall: When water is scarce, the cell and cell wall shrinks; when water becomes available again, ...
Pigmented algae are well adapted to grow on exposed ice in the Arctic as the snow line recedes, raising concerns of a ...
The cell functions also enable Streptofilum to adapt to extreme environmental conditions. The algae survive in dry, cold Arctic soils and can reactivate rapidly after droughts. They are also ...
With new methods I was able to, as the first researcher ever, to measure the activity of single algae cells from the Greenland Ice Sheet. This led to the discovery of their ability to live off ...