A pandemic is not inevitable, scientists say. But the outbreak has passed worrisome milestones in recent weeks, including ...
Avian influenza A (H5N1) has mutated, so the symptoms of bird flu could change as more people get sick in 2025.
Sedangkan Indonesia sudah melaporkan terdapat kasus positif virus HMPV. Tak ayal, catatan tersebut bisa jadi indikasi bahwa virus HMPV sudah masuk ke tanah air. Terkait kabar virus HMPV, Menteri ...
Over 160,000 people this season have landed in the hospital from flu complications, CDC estimates. More than 6,600 have died.
Bagaimana bentuk dan ciri-ciri virus HMPV yang sudah masuk ke Indonesia ... Di lain sisi, virus HMPV biasanya menular lebih cepat selama musim flu atau cuaca dingin. Berikut ciri-ciri atau gejala ...