This common desert woodpecker replaces ... to hybridize at a few localities in southern California. Polytypic (about 8 ssp. in North and Middle America; birds north of Mexico are cactophilus).
When I arrived at the desert field station and stepped out ... She is an ornithologist and author who has studied birds in California.
What was once the largest solar power plant of its type in the world appears headed for closure just 11 years after opening.
Deb Haaland: Learn from the past | Miyoko Chu: Desert birds at risk | Scott Weidensaul ... An urban kid from California, I’d never driven this far anywhere, never seen a desert.
Speaking for the birds: Why we need them and they need us ... It was the bird I had come all this way to find. An urban kid from California, I’d never driven this far anywhere, never seen a desert.