Roses, carnations, pompons, hydrangeas, chrysanthemums and gypsophila arrive on hundreds of flights, mostly from Colombia and ...
Blue flowers have a magical quality that few other blooms can match. Their stunning hues add a sense of wonder to any garden. But are flowers ever truly blue? It’s a question gardeners often ask ...
Everyone's knee-jerk reaction for color-coding the flower arrangements for special events is red for Valentine's Day and ...
Keep your front yard tidy and welcoming with these low-maintenance, compact, deer-resistant landscaping plants.
Our flower gardens look pretty grey right now, but I’m referring to the interesting and distinctive grey plants that grow in the summer garden. We don’t usually think of grey as an ...
Tourists are turning out to stroll the flower-lined grounds of Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Prefecture, and enjoy the millions of baby blue nemophila now blanketing its bucolic hills.