An ambulance driver who was taken to court for speeding while responding to a blue light emergency has called the proceedings ...
An emergency blue light phone system has been installed on campus to make the reporting of serious incidents easier and quicker. To report an emergency, crimes in progress, or a suspicious ...
There are 49 blue light emergency call boxes installed across the Western Illinois University campus. Over the years, these call boxes have been upgraded to include American with Disabilities Act (ADA ...
Blue Light Emergency Call Boxes are located throughout the Bowdoin campus and in all elevators. A blue light indicates that there is a yellow emergency call box in that location. The call box is a two ...
The shortest route is not always the safest. Know the location of the campus emergency phones and if you have concerns about your safety or security, use the Public Safety escort service. The blue ...
blue-light emergency phones and the Drexel Guardian app. Officers regularly monitor the data and coordinate with other local law enforcement agencies and community organizations to respond to changing ...
And if you still need assistance, there’s always someone who can help you. Call University Police at (716) 645-2222 or use any blue light emergency phone for emergencies on campus. For off-campus ...
If you’ve ever suffered from dry, irritated eyes or struggled to fall asleep after a long day of staring at your computer, you may have been tempted to purchase a pair of blue-light-blocking ...
To arrange for an escort, call (302) 831-RIDE, use the LiveSafe app or a blue light emergency phone. A shuttle bus is available for students traveling from campus to their nearby off-campus residences ...
A glowing blue light aids in nighttime identification on all units. View the current map of Emergency Blue Phones on the main campus. The Emergency Blue Phones provide a direct connection to the ...