Both native and exotic deciduous urban trees, including the London plane, are already suffering in the warming climate in Australia, researchers from Macquarie University in Sydney have shown.
Rapid urbanization, accompanied by increased competition for land, decreased vegetation cover, changes in land use, and greater variability in climate are drivers ... own progress towards the ...
Sacramento has long prided itself on its extensive urban canopy ... becoming more extreme because of climate change, are making it more difficult to keep old trees alive and grow young ones ...
This small wooded area, close to an urban ... role trees play in keeping the Earth cool. Their findings could transform our understanding of how the forests of the future will respond to climate ...
Portland Parks & Recreation's program will plant Free Street Trees in neighborhoods in Portland that are in need for more tree canopy. This winter over 1,000 trees will be planted in many ...
With 48 percent of our city covered by trees, Atlanta has the largest canopy of any major U.S. urban area ... lose some tree species because of both climate change and invasive exotic pests ...