Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) released a lengthy report Monday on the data center industry and its impacts on the state. The 156-page report found, among other ...
Efforts by Virginia lawmakers to rein in data centers have seen mixed success. A bill that would have increased state regulatory review over data centers died in General Assembly committees last ...
Virginia state lawmakers again do little to regulate or rein in data center industry and utility customers will pay the price ...
Del. Michael Webert among those sponsoring bills to add regulations as members with The Coalition to Save Culpeper attend ...
their rapidly growing energy demand “will likely increase system costs for all customers,” according to a report by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC). The report suggests that ...
With the rise of artificial intelligence, data center demand is growing even faster than anticipated. More than 23 bills dealing with data centers were introduced in the General Assembly, including my ...
announced today that it has published a study on the grid and customer impacts from data center growth in Virginia. Commissioned by the Virginia Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission ...