These leaves are called cotyledons by botanists and are central players in a seedling's quest to become a sustained member of the forest community. Cycad seedlings use the two cotyledons found ...
The white cycad aulacaspis scale infests cycad leaves to cause early leaf death. A new study has shown that the infestations also increase the speed of leaf litter decomposition. Credit must be ...
For example, growth of Cycas micronesica leaves and male cones generated declines in stem NSCs, revealing the deployment of these stem NSCs to support the demanding sink activity. This concept was ...
Fossil Cycad National Monument was removed from the Park Service in 1957, but the story doesn’t end there. More than 20 years ago, in the dusty basement of a park Service library in West Virginia, ...
Caption Thomas Marler (left) and Gil Cruz (center) measure cycad plant size traits in the foothills of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, along with Ulysses Ferreras (right) from the Philippine Native ...