Discover how certain foods can be your best buddies in the battle against inflammation and pain. Ready to dive in?
Research shows that diets that contain ultra-processed foods (like potato chips, candy, fast food, hot dogs, etc.) may be ...
With every bite of food we take, our intestinal immune system must make a big decision. Tasked with defending us from foreign ...
Beyond weight gain lies a more sinister threat. Learn how your food choices trigger dangerous inflammation and the simple switches that could save your health.
Fight inflammation and shed pounds with these top 10 anti-inflammatory foods ranked by their weight-loss benefits.
Cytokines are proteins, peptides or glycoproteins secreted by lymphocytes and monocytes that regulate immune responses, haematopoiesis and lymphocyte development. Cytokines include interleukins ...
and suppressed levels of secretory IgA in saliva are found simultaneously with high levels of circulating proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The underlying mechanisms are multifactorial ...