MADRID, December 12. /ITAR-TASS/. The Supreme Court of Spain has sentenced three members of the Basque terrorist organization ETA to a record-high prison terms in the last few years. Daniel Pastor ...
The Paris Court of Appeal has ruled that the former long-time leader of Basque separatist group ETA, Josu Ternera, can be handed over to Spain, a judicial source said on Wednesday. The extradition ...
MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- French police arrested two suspected members of the Basque separatist group ETA, just days after Spanish Civil Guards arrested nine suspects, Spain's Interior Ministry said ...
Several thousand town councilors and other officials in the Basque region have bodyguards due to threats from ETA, which is blamed for more than 800 deaths in its long fight for Basque independence.
Hundreds of people died in the Basque conflict which finally came to an end when the separatist group ETA announced a permanent ceasefire. Now there is peace. But what has happened to the Basque ...
Ekitaldi asteburu huntan Euskal Herrian eta horietarik bi aipatu ditugu gure gaurko euskal magazinean : Heletako Kabalkada eta Arbonako bestak. Urte baten lana izan da Heletako herritarrentzat ...
Itxaro Borda ofizialki Euskaltzain osoa da, Urriaren 28an Baionan egin harrera hitzaldia eman eta. Oragarreko poeta euskara babestu, garatu, aztertu, ikertu, zaindu, zabaldu eta hobetzeko lanean ...
Basquefik klusterretik jakinarazi dutenez, bonuak edo akzioak bezalako tresna finantzarioak blockchain teknologiaren bidezko bertsio digital batean irudikatzean datza finantza aktiboen tokenizazioa; ...
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