Go Green - Both the toothbrushes and packaging are eco-friendly, allowing you to clean ... The design is robust and durable, with each toothbrush lasting up to 6-months of use.
From budget-friendly options to higher-end models for ... But exactly which electric toothbrush is best for you? Your choice will ultimately depend on your budget, needs and preferences.
You’ve bought a refillable Stanley tumbler and use a metal straw in an effort to reduce your plastic consumption — and now you want to keep going. Taking it further is a wise choice, especially since ...
What’s the easiest solution? Well, something as simple as opting for an eco-friendly toothbrush will help you do your bit for the planet. And, to help you along the way, we’ve picked out some ...
As people across the nation become more environmentally-conscious, the demand for eco-friendly ... in 2020 – a significant share of the toothbrush market. While it is true that the replaceable ...