The sinister-looking black creature depicted shapeshifting abilities by first morphing its mouth into a balloon and then ...
The freshwater eel is one of the few fishes that do the opposite, spawning in the ocean and spending their adulthood in lakes, rivers, and estuaries—a life history known as catadromy.
Drastic shifts in animal behavior, like the glass eels' fluctuating migration patterns, can often be attributed to significant changes to the environment. As ocean temperatures continue to rise ...
Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal on Saturday A seal has been spotted "wrestling" a large eel for its lunch. Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal after spotting it with ...
While practising law, Holland wanted to get into the fishing business. His first plan was to build a freshwater smolt ...
Changes in ocean currents stemming from global warming have led to a sharp increase in endangered Japanese eel larvae reaching rivers in Hokkaido in recent years, a scientific team found.
To investigate the prevalence and consumption of endangered eels, a research team examined 327 individual eel products purchased across 86 retailers throughout Singapore. The team discovered ...
Researchers decided to study a group of confusing moray eels found in the Indian Ocean, according to a study published July 10 in the peer-reviewed journal Zootaxa. Generally, “morays are known ...
Natural larvae become glass eels, which are key to securing resources. Hatching from eggs, they drift with ocean currents and become glass eels. The eels Japanese eat are raised from these glass ...
Hagfishes are excellent: they are part of the ocean's clean-up crew, have changed relatively little in 300 million years and can produce extraordinary quantities of slime. Hagfishes (Myxini) are ...