In a 2020 retrospective video, Digital Foundry writers John Linneman and Alex Battaglia found a more or less permanent home in the sub-30 fps range playing Crysis on a 2007-era powerful system at ...
Some veteran developers who worked on the dystopian Metro series have now formed a new independent studio, Reburn, and announced a new FPS called ... tech that'd make Crysis blush.
Crytek is making lay offs and confirms that Crysis 4 has been put "on hold ... surely get less hate than The Last of Us 2 More about fps Doom director claims The Dark Ages can be beaten without ...
Today, developer Crytek confirmed the long-rumored Crysis 4. Crysis is a first-person shooter (FPS) franchise that pits you and your nanosuit against a terrifying alien force. Crysis 3 ended the ...
Crytek, best known for Crysis and Hunt: Showdown 1896 ... the rest of that year's star-studded lineup, the jungle-themed FPS still maintains a memetic status. Our 2020 analysis of the game ...
Crytek is making lay offs and confirms that Crysis 4 has been put "on hold." The developers best known for making the first Far Cry, Crysis, Ryse: Son of Rome, Hunt: Showdown, and game dev tool ...