On Wednesday as we were all digging out from 3 inches of snow and more of ice, two Savannah establishments received warm and welcome news from the James Beard Foundation.
The Savannah Culinary Retreat offers immersive culinary experience that will empower people in their kitchens.
The Executive Chef at the Emporium working with the little chefs is Miguel Bautista, who's anxious to help to defend the Big Chef Little Chef trophy the restaurant won last year.
Forsyth Farmers’ Market is thrilled to partner with Farm Hospitality Group to present the inaugural Chefs + Farmers: A Culinary Experience dining event at Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum, located at ...
Should Lone Wolf, and Carter and Harrison make the short list and/or win a coveted recognition, they will join small but distinct group of Savannah-area chefs, cooks and establishments to be honored.