Your hay bales might be shedding weight faster than a steer on Ozempic,” Mizzou hay specialist Rob Kallenbach quips.
Maintaining a healthy cow herd means maintaining a healthy rumen. Over the holiday season, humans may experience stomach ...
The best time to prepare for drought is long before it arrives, Nebraska Extension specialist Jerry Volesky says.
They feed on available carbohydrates on the surface of the forage plants and inside the stems and leaves. This feeding results in the loss of some dry matter (DM), reduces the quality of the hay ...
Hay in any form will increase saliva production as it is chewed, and saliva contains sodium bicarbonate, which also helps ...
A veterinarian weighs in on the long-running debate on which is better for a horse's health: hay in hay nets or hay on the ...
Serving as a building block for protein synthesis, and especially for the formation of amino acids, sulfur (S) impacts the ...