rear fangs (crab-eating water snake), fixed front fangs (taipan), and hinged front fangs (Gaboon viper); fangs highlighted in red (image credit A. Palci) (Creative Commons). Disclaimer ...
Its venom also contains hemotoxins that disrupt blood clotting, making it a particularly dangerous snake to encounter. The Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) holds the title for the longest fangs of ...
The West African gaboon viper has the longest fangs of any snake. In a 6ft (1.83m) long specimen they measured 2in (50mm). Snakes don’t blink as they have transparent eyelids that are fused shut.
Wild chimps are more likely to call out in response to a poisonous snake when they are near another chimp that has not yet seen the trouble, according to a study published this week in Current Biology ...