E very night before they go to sleep, my dogs Henry Rollins and Jaxon Pawlick do what we have come to affectionately call the "chicken paw gnaw" – that is, they take a couple of minutes to lick ...
Gnaw Chocolate, based at Norwich’s Whiffler Road industrial estate, says the cost of cocoa is at a “historical high”, having risen 300pc in the last 12 months. Last year’s budget has also stalled Gnaw ...
Madness awaits its close-up, the rest of the sports world plugs along at its own deliberate pace. The NBA and NHL postseasons are still a ways off, and spring training continues its leisurely stroll ...
A Norfolk chocolate company says record high cocoa prices and rising employment costs have led it to invest in automation to avoid taking on more staff. Gnaw Chocolate, based at Norwich’s ...