Multiple storm systems are rapidly moving across the U.S. Because of this, we're going to see a lot of changes in only a few ...
The Great Plains are the grasslands of the North American continent, and lie between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Early European explorers found the Plains a very hostile ...
P esticides and herbicides used in farming have been linked to Parkinson's disease in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region of the country, according to a preliminary study released today ...
Cody studies the archaeology of the western Great Plains and middle Rocky Mountains. His dissertation research focused on the early contact period and the development of Plains Indian equestrianism.
The past abundance of bison on the Great Plains is well documented, but bison were also common throughout the Rocky Mountains. They seem to have been extirpated by Native Americans from the northern ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
Record single-storm totals from across the Great Plains region suggest that snowfalls of up to four feet are possible, although rare. The Halloween blizzard of 1991 dropped 36 inches on Duluth.