As we reflect on Black History Month, we honor the achievements and resilience of African Americans who have made ...
These feelings of anger and hatred can cause harm to the person feeling them, so Jesus taught people to try and let them go. Key fact There is no act more difficult than to forgive someone ...
The gospel reading for many of us this past Sunday was Matthew 18:21-35, which begins with Peter asking Jesus, “Lord, if my brother sins against me how often must I forgive? As many as seven ...
By Will Nordmark, Spiritual Reflections I went to an afternoon Twins game Sept. 2. I know the earliest any of you will read this is Sept. 12, so please bear with me on the time delay. I am a Twins ...
Peter asked Jesus a question about forgiveness, he wanted to know how many times he should forgive someone who continually wronged him. Peter suggested it should be seven times, as this was seen ...
When Jesus met sinners, such as the woman caught in adultery, he said “do not sin again” (John 8:11) and, of course, did not insist she physically harm herself. Regarding forgiveness of others ...
He’s Dismas at Christmas. A penitent thief returned a ceramic baby Jesus to a Colorado fire station with a chicken-scratch note that asked for forgiveness for the “dumb mistake.” The Fort ...
"If every church would just sort of take responsibility for the square mile around it, what a changed world we would live in," said the Rev. John Jackman.
On Valentine’s Day, people express their love. Jesus said, right before his return, “Because evil shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Our evil culture has promoted and made self-love ...