Inspired by actor-comedian Kevin Hart's upbringing in North Philadelphia, "Lil Kev," a new adult animated comedy, is headed ...
" Lil Kev ," a half-hour show created by the Emmy-nominated comedian for BET+ through his Hartbeat entertainment company, ...
Kevin Hart teams up with comedy legends Wanda Sykes and Deon Cole for an adult animated series about his life in Philadelphia ...
The legendary comedian will share his life as a 12-year-old in North Philly in the raw, uncut and unfiltered series.
Kevin Hart has had to step in to personally run the day-to-day affairs of his entertainment company after it cycled through two chief executive officers in the last two years while laying off ...
Lil Kev, a new animated sitcom produced by comedian Kevin Hart and based on his childhood, will be coming to streaming on ...
BET+ has ordered its first ever adult animated series, “Lil Kev,” based on the childhood of comedian Kevin Hart. The half-hour series, from Hart’s Hartbeat shingle, is set to debut this spring.