Which are the Loharu to Delhi Sarai Rohilla trains today? There are 6 direct trains from Loharu Junction to Delhi Sarai Rohilla which includes 5 daily trains and 1 biweekly train.
Loharu Assembly Elections 2024 Results - Loharu is one of the Assembly constituencies in Haryana. The constituency is a GENERAL seat. The BJP, the INC are the main parties in the constituency.
in Duronto, ₹1115 (1A) in Mail Express and ₹1190 (1A) in Super Fast trains . There are 6 direct trains from Loharu Junction to Dahar Ka Balaji which includes 3 daily trains and 1 weekly train.
Loharu constituency Loharu is one of the 90 Assembly constituencies of Haryana located in Bhiwani district. It is a general category seat. According to the 2011 population census, it has a ...