Margaret Thatcher is "still adored and revered" by the Conservative Party, "grudgingly respected" by Labour prime ministers past and present, and "despised and reviled on the left and in many ...
It may be difficult for many Americans to truly grasp the complex, alienating legacy of Margaret Thatcher. No recent political figure here in the U.S. was so equally loved and hated at the end of ...
And, of course, one of the most famous political transformations of all time was that of Margaret Thatcher, who made it her mission to change her voice – once deemed too harsh to be included in ...
Here’s a look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1979 to 1990.Personal:Birth ...
Margaret Thatcher was the best boss I ever worked for. She was demanding, expecting a little group of us to work on till the early hours of the morning when a big speech or event was planned. She made ...
Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher helped to create the 'Special Relationship' between the UK and the USA. Despite their different personalities, they forged a very close bond. But what lay ...
You probably have a few questions, right? Like, did the Queen and Margaret Thatcher really have such a terrible relationship? Could you really cut the tension between Buckingham Palace and 10 ...
Last week saw the 50th anniversary of Margaret Thatcher becoming leader of the Conservative Party. Her election as Prime Minister in May 1979 followed the Winter of Discontent that had seen mass ...
In his news book ‘The Sorrow and the Loss - The Tragic Shadow Cast by the Troubles on the Lives of Women’ veteran journalist Martin Dillon highlights the impact of the Troubles on women, including IRA ...