A study published in Global Change Biology shows that caribou will optimize their migration path based on their collective memories. Caribou are the largest species on land in the Arctic.
The book and the film used the limits of human bodies to cultivate empathy for the experience of other beings.
La migration des caribous du troupeau de la rivière ... Elle espère seulement que le déclin du caribou migrateur va ralentir afin de pouvoir perpétuer cette pratique si importante pour l ...
Tying migration to particular genes in caribou could have conservation implications, Musiani says. “With the expansion of human populations and with the increase in human infrastructure, these animals ...
En l’attente d’une évaluation complète de l’état de santé du caribou dans la région ... en perturbant les routes de migration et en réduisant la condition physique des animaux.
A herd of caribou begins its autumn migration to wintering grounds in the Yukon. During the end of the last Ice Age, caribou are known to have similarly migrated along a still-frigid land bridge ...
The contrast between the declining Western Arctic herd and the thriving Porcupine herd is correlated to different levels of ...
The declining Western Arctic herd and the thriving Porcupine herd use habitat with differing levels of climate change-related ...
With heavily muscled bodies, skinny legs, and strong hooves that balloon to the size of dinner plates come winter, mountain caribou — the "mountain ecotype" of the woodland caribou — are well adapted ...
Des caribous de la harde de Bluenose. Les Dénés et Métis du Sahtu demandent à pouvoir élaborer un plan de conservation communautaire des caribous de Bluenose Ouest qui n’inclut pas le ...