It feels productive and efficient, but beneath the surface, your brain is working overtime. And research indicates that the ...
But that doesn't make it any easier or safer. Just ask Instagramer Dante. Toddlers definitely put the "asking" in ...
Distracted driving may seem simple, but this is a prevalent problem that is often misunderstood. There is much more to distracted driving and how the trucking industry can ...
While there are benefits of providing information to the driver, a poorly integrated and/or designed information-rich environment can increase driver’s cognitive burden in the inherently multitasking ...
In a world that increasingly rewards hustle and busyness, the allure of multitasking is stronger than ever. But the stark reality is that the human brain is not optimized for handling multiple ...
Running red lights, reading the newspaper, eating breakfast, shaving, and talking on cell phones while driving are common and dangerous. It burns us up to see other people do them, but many of us ...