Sounds can be made by twanging a string or an elastic band, blowing down a pipe, banging something together, and scraping or shaking something. There are three families of musical instruments ...
The standard configuration of the symphony orchestra has remained mostly unchanged for the past century. But innovative artists continue to design new instruments to create sounds never before heard.
Explore musical instruments in the Anacostia Community Museum's collection ... His groundbreaking research told stories of sounds and songs transported from Africa to the Americas. Dance to drums of ...
But actually, any sound you make with your voice — or with a musical instrument such as a guitar — has not just the main note but a whole bunch of harmonics above it. For instance, if you're ...
The flute is a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of ...
The Museum's music collections contain more than 5,000 instruments of American and European heritage ... Ellington Boatwright collections contain handwritten music compositions, sound recordings, ...