Add 700 ul of the filtered solution to a clean 5 mm NMR tube, and cap and label the tube. For the liquid samples, use about 700 ul spiked with 1-2 % TMS. As a general guide, a sample concentration of ...
Alexander Shekhtman, of SUNY-Albany, describes a novel technique called STINT-NMR (for structural interactions using in-cell NMR), which maps a protein?s structural changes in response to ...
Never put any object into the magnet except the NMR tube and spinner. No magnetic stirrer. Please prepare your samples outside the NMR facilities if possible. If you must use the NMR facility, please ...
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was first experimentally observed in late 1945, nearly simultaneously by the research groups of Felix Bloch, at Stanford University and Edward Purcell at Harvard ...
The hazards associated with work in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrumentation laboratory comes from the high magnetic fields, the handling of cryogens and high electrical voltages/RF ...
The standard 5-mm NMR tubes and the automated shimming routines enable the 100e to be plugged into standard wall power and used daily without the need for expert staff to maintain it. The Nanalysis ...
Standard 5 mm NMR tubes or the simple flow cell are used in X-Pulse. The X-Auto sample changer, which is available as an option, increases throughput and automates data collecting for up to 25 samples ...
In addition, this user-friendly instrument makes it possible to highlight key concepts and introduce novel experimental methods, such as NMR tube reactions. The Nanalysis 60e benchtop NMR eliminates ...