I decided to go with natto gohan, aka natto over rice with scallions, because I wanted to be able to distinguish its unique flavor when trying it for the first time. Before I tried it, there were ...
Much like Italian gorgonzola, German sauerkraut and Norwegian rakfisk (fermented trout), Japanese natto falls into the ...
Natto is a traditional Japanese fermented food with a unique smell and stickiness. In 2020, the National Cancer Center announced that high consumption of natto lowers mortality risk. Natto not ...
Another Japanese woman living in Maryland commented, "In Japan, when household finances were tight, we would get by somehow with rice and natto. But with prices rising so much, this cost-saving ...
The natto bacterium’s stunning ability to proliferate ... Adding the bacterium can also apparently make rice cakes easier to chew. Such an attribute is expected to have various applications ...
“One of my go-to meals is a simple bowl of brown rice with natto. It’s nutritious and satisfying.” “The Hawaii Book of Rice Vol. 2“ features a wide array of rice-based recipes, including ...
The Japan Natto Cooperative Society Federation (Arakawa-ku, Tokyo / Chairman: Yoshiro Noro / hereinafter, “JNCSF”) launched the “Natto Power: Japanese Fermented Food Natto, the Key to Better ...
You can make shichimi infused fried rice with the sauce after the meat ... For the dressing, mix the nori paste with finely chopped hikiwari natto. 3. Cut the turnips into quarters and peel.
“Rice is such a versatile ingredient, and I love it in all forms,” she said. “One of my go-to meals is a simple bowl of brown rice with natto. It’s nutritious and satisfying.” ...