It is so dismaying that the Weminuche bighorn population has dropped from 460 to 290 since 2011, especially when the target ...
They use this herd to create new herds and bolster ailing herds around the state. The herd at Pikeview Quarry descended from 14 bighorn sheep that were originally destined for Pikes Peak.
A small herd of 4 bighorn sheep was reported to be on the rim of the Rio Grande Canyon on the Red Dot Trail Saturday morning. Photographer Michael Smith was able to find them and get some photos..
A bighorn sheep blends with the colors of the surrounding rock on Red Dot Trail in White Rock in another wonder of nature. Photo by RIchard Skolnik Bighorn sheep are back on the trail again in ...
handling areas from Leadville down to New Mexico. He was working toward working with wildlife and got his chance to do that four years ago. The rampart herd of bighorn sheep live on the west side ...