atmospheric boundary layer structure and other characteristics of land-air interaction. These have laid the foundation for understanding the processes of arid climate and mechanisms of ...
of Agriculture, Veterinary, and Rangeland Sciences, has established the Arid Land Research Fund. The purpose of the Fund is to advance research and development of cost-effective methodologies for ...
The potential development of the earth's arid and semi-arid lands is a problem of increasing concern to planners and government officials. How can this tremendous amount of unutilized land be put to ...
"Neglecting [it] risks pushing humanity beyond its safe operating space." Scientists sound alarm over rapidly growing threat impacting land around the world: 'Policymakers should strengthen their ...
“When I bought this land in 1993, I looked like a crazy man ... given that Kajiado is an arid area. For domestic and farm use, he used to make several trips to Athi River to buy water, but ...
Deserts cover more than one-fifth of the Earth's land area, and they are found on ... Some plants have adapted to the arid climate by growing long roots that tap water from deep underground.
The Center has been working for the Mojave desert tortoise since 1997. Challenging the Bureau of Land Management's grazing practices on arid public lands, we've helped protect millions of acres of ...
Two GIS models were developed to represent two scenarios of land use suitability in the study area using GIS Multi Criteria Analysis Modeling. The factors contributed in the analysis are the ...