Thousands of fans waited hours outside a sold-out Bryan Adams arena show in Perth, Australia, only to be sent home over a sewage blockage called a “fatberg.” The calcified build-up of fat ...
Canadian rocker Bryan Adams' sold-out show at Perth, Australia's RAC Arena was ... and rags-caused a significant blockage in the city's sewer system. The unforeseen issue led to water overflow ...
Bryan Adams' fans in Perth were left disappointed on Sunday night after the Canadian rocker's sold-out concert at RAC Arena was canceled due to a massive fatberg blocking the city's sewer system ...
Fans were left outraged amid “poor communication” after a sold-out Bryan Adams concert was cancelled hours after it was scheduled to start due to a water blockage outside Perth Arena.
Perth, as it may be sewage following a major blockage on a sewer. "Our crews are working to clear the large blockage of fat, grease and rags, which has caused several wastewater overflows at ...
Thousands of concertgoers were left stranded outside Perth’s RAC Arena on Sunday after Bryan Adams&#39′ concert was canceled at the last minute due to sewer blockage.