While HPAI has indeed reduced the supply of cage-free eggs, as many sources have reported, it has reduced the supply of all ...
498.cage layer fatigue syndrome in birds is characterized by an inability to stand on their feet and fragile bones. It is mainly observed in young layer hens reared in batteries in the period of ...
the poultry industry is starting to let their hens roam around in bigger spaces. This shift from conventional battery cages ...
Coccidiosis usually occurs in turkeys and broilers. Range, cage-free layers are at higher risk of infection than other poultry. You can use anticoccidial drugs to kill (coccidiocidal) or decrease the ...
Kisulu also bought modern cages for the layers after a sawdust-covered floor proved futile. He says in the sawdust, the chicken would lay about three eggs and instinctively lie on them in attempt ...