Carnegie Mellon University has developed a modular robotic snake to perform underwater inspections. Underwater inspection can be a hazardous occupation for human divers. The modular robot snake is ...
The scientific research center of NASA demonstrated a snake-like robot that can search for life in the icy oceans of Saturn's moon, inaccessible places on the Moon, or even be used on Earth.
The department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University have developed a snake-like robot that is able to to squeeze through tight gaps which could prove to be invaluable in search and ...
Even a tank track has wheels within. [Joesinstructables] latest robot still uses wheels, but it emulates the slithering motion of a snake, He calls it the Lake Erie Mamba. The most interesting ...
Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is developing an exobiology extant life surveyor (EELS). It was conceived to explore diverse terrains and ultimately search for evidence of life. It was tested in ...