and millions of birds have died. The H5N1 strain has now spread to every continent except Australia , and influenza experts say its arrival on our shores is inevitable. Honorary professor Robyn ...
Now, a group of penguins in Australia are stomping all over their love-bird reputation through cheating scandals and divorce — and wildlife experts are worried. Phillip Island, a small island ...
Located in the heart of Canberra, the lush green campus of the Australian National University boasts a colourful bird life. Here are just some of the birds you can find.
A small population of the elusive yellowish ... “The endangered night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) is one of the rarest ...
It’s difficult to know what birds ‘think’ when they fly, but scientists in Australia and Canada are getting some remarkable new insights by looking inside birds' heads. Evolutional biologists at ...