A newly published online archive contains nearly 190,000 letters sent to Spain's King Alfonso XIII during World War I, where ...
Spain was neutral in the 1914-18 war. But King Alfonso emerged as a diplomatic and humanitarian go-between for the families ...
But I’d probably feel different if I was a soldier in the trenches during World War One. WW1 SOLDIER JACK ... to grab some sleep or to read letters from home. Reading them makes me feel happy ...
During World War I, letters were the main method of communication between soldiers and the homefront ... that all American dead are to be taken home in the course of time. I hope it’s true.
Another of the soldier's sketches showed the couple toasting the New Year with a drink. In a third, Private Page drew himself ...
and letters of Aussie soldiers who were in the front line fighting in Palestine during the First World War against the Ottoman Empire. This interview is in Hebrew.