The Red Planet will be at its closest point to Earth, also known as perigee, on Jan. 12 and will be exactly opposite the sun on Jan. 15. It will be visible all night long because it will rise with the ...
It's the closest Mars will be to Earth this year, so the planet can appear a little brighter than usual. Look to the east after sundown and to the west near sunrise to find Mars. As the moon ...
At the same time, Europa is just crossing in front of the planet from the east to begin its own transit, which observers on the West Coast can follow through sunrise. Meanwhile, Mars stands to ...
A piece of music composed using data sonification techniques, based on a photograph of the 5,000th sunrise captured by the Mars rover, Opportunity. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not ...
That evening, Mars will lie opposite the Sun from our perspective. It will rise at sunset, reach its highest point at midnight, and set at sunrise. No matter when you go out, Mars will be ...
The Latest Sunrise of the Year (on standard ... Just about an hour after rising, a rare event will occur: an occultation between Mars and the full moon. At 5:48 pm a very bright Mars, at its ...