AFGE Council 238 President Marie Owens Powell says the EPA’s notice to employees is in violation of the union’s collective bargaining agreement.
A new memo instructing agencies to cease enforcing union-negotiated telework policies under the guise of “management rights” ...
The memo says telework and remote work measures in collective bargaining agreements “that conflict with management rights are ...
There, Trump stated that employees who don’t return to office will be fired and criticized a telework agreement with a union made under ... of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass ...
And O’Malley told Comer that in exchange for the telework agreement, the union gave up on a number of years-long grievances that, had they gone to trial, could have resulted in $10 million to $ ...
Rep. Glenn Grothman, R-Wisc., asked why O’Malley had removed language allowing management to change or terminate any telework agreement for operational needs from the contract. O’Malley ...
A recent executive order took aim at federal union members with telework protections, the latest in an effort to shrink the federal government.
House Republicans took aim at former Social Security Administration head Martin O’Malley on Wednesday for an agreement he inked ... Democrats defended telework as an important mechanism for ...