The technique has been around since the early days of photography. In 1962 Nikon introduced its first tilt-shift lens for its SLR camera. Now there's software that can help you achieve the same ...
[Bhautik] is on version 2 of his tilt-shift lens, and wrote in to share what he has learned. Some aspects of the design on version 1 made it a bit quirky to use. You had to hold the lens in place ...
I have a feeling that Santa will have delivered his fair share of Lensbaby Spark 2.0 lenses this Christmas. If you don't want to spend out on the best tilt-shift lenses, the Spark 2.0 offers a ...
If you have deep pockets and don't mind spending to get the best and most unique results, the tilt-shift lens will take your product photography to the next level. This type of lens changes its ...