Arkansas River tonnage totaled 1.812 million tons in the first two months of 2025, down 1.3% compared with the 2.078 million ...
The February reading of the ATA’s advanced Seasonally Adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index came in at 115.2 (2015=100), ...
In February, the ATA advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index equaled 115.2, up from 111.9 in January. The ...
Some of the gain in February was due to accelerated imports early in the year as shippers rushed to bring products into the U ...
[Stay on top of transportation news: Get TTNews in your inbox.] The freight market experienced a 3% sequential tonnage increase in February as well as its second straight year-over-year gain ...
PLA Navy now fields more warships than US Navy and is on track to deploy 425-ship fleet by 2030, sustained by industrial base ...
ATA's seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index equaled 115.2 during the month, up from 111.9 in January. The index rose 0.6% from February 2024, the trade group said. The gains came after ...
Offshore support vessel markets remain strong despite slipping from last year’s peak, with subsea ships in particularly short ...
According to ONT officials, 450,093 air travelers chose the Southern California gateway last month versus 449,893 last year.