Letting the innocent become temporary refugees in Egypt and Jordan would let Israel eliminate Hamas so the rebuilding of Gaza ...
Count Bernadotte's presence in Palestine followed the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine and the subsequent unilateral Israeli Declaration of Independence. In this capacity, he succeeded ...
The plan and facilities of every UNRWA ... you will correct me. In 1947, the United Nations recommended the Partition of Palestine. I have seen the Partition map and studied it.
For those who aren’t too well-read on this issue, this conflict has, essentially, lasted since 1947, when the state of Israel was created in the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
It handed the problem over to the newly-formed United ... in Palestine, in the way it did. Fighting began between the Palestinians and Jews days after the adoption of the UN Partition Plan.
The ban effectively cuts off the UN aid agency from delivering critical aid to Gaza, putting millions of Palestinians at risk after 15 months of war have devastated the region.
President Jimmy Morales wrapped up his four-day visit to Israel on the day 69 years ago that the United Nations voted in favor of the Partition Plan for Palestine. (JTA) — The head of the ...
In the midst of its rejoicing following United Nations approval of Palestine partition, the University Zionist Society announced last night that it had "adapted" Le Havot he Bashan, an ...
The day of the United Nations vote on the Partition Plan of British Mandatory Palestine is celebrated as one of the happiest days of the Israeli and Zionist calendars. It was on this date that the ...
The British and the French were the leading states that led forth the idea of setting an International System - the League of Nations ... proposed the Partition Plan for Palestine at the end ...