A sperm whale’s tooth can weigh more than two pounds and they are illegally trafficked to be used as decorations and for ...
These whales have baleen plates made of keratin – the same material found in human fingernails and hair – in their mouths ...
Baleen whales evolved bristly baleen plates instead of teeth, which filter or trap krill, plankton and small fish inside ...
WÀSEISEI, ALSO KNOWN AS WÀSEKASEKA; Wàseisei are necklaces made from slivers cut from Sperm Whale teeth. These elaborate, labour-intensive forms of bodily adornment were worn by Fijian chiefs in the ...
Deep in the Pacific, humans have tracked a mysterious whale’s call for decades—but no other whale seems to respond. And now, we might be running out of time to find the source.
Each license plate features a right whale tail coming out of the water with roseate terns above. While the image is the same on the plates, the prefixes are with RW for right whale or RT for ...
Fortunately, the ocean offers a range of dining options. All whales are divided into two suborders: Odontoceti (those that have teeth) and Mysticeti (which have baleen plates instead). A whale's diet ...