Once you’ve made your poster look its best, give it one more read-through to make sure that it presents the point of your research in the most convincing light. Make sure the colors you’ve chosen are ...
Creating a research poster for the first time can be daunting. Here we provide some helpful tips and resources to get you started. Remember, designing the poster is only the first step in preparing ...
Print your poster on campus. For best results, print your research poster through University Print Services. This is UB's preferred, on-campus vendor with lower costs than outside vendors and an ...
Clear and concise project overview and able to answer questions adequately Quality of poster: Appropriate, understandable, and informative overview of your project Quality of research ...
As part of the requirements for OT 750: Scholarly Inquiry I and OT 751: Scholarly Inquiry II, our entry-level OTD students must design and complete a scholarly study to demonstrate their mastery of ...
To use the guides or gridlines on a PC or Mac: Spacing is very important for posters to be legible and look professional. White space (or negative space) is the design term used for unused space, and ...