There’s a bunch of simple WiFi-enabled outlets on the market today ... and he says he got his plugs at Home Depot, we were unable to find them listed for sale at any store near us.
UltraPro 1-Outlet Wi-Fi Smart Plug: Instead of covering one outlet evenly, this UltraPro model juts out to one side, limiting its placement options. UltraPro also sells a two-outlet option, ...
Improving your Wi-Fi often means spending a small fortune on a new router (believe me, I've done it plenty of times), but ...
Extension cords and power strips are often safe for home and office electronics, but they can be hazardous for other common ...
The Tapo app that accompanies the Tapo P110M Mini Smart Wi-Fi Plug is the real gem, and if you like Tapo products, this smart plug will happily fit into your smart home ecosystem. At £16.99, you can’t ...
Today's best TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini deals There are two versions of TP-Link's smart power strip; you could opt for the six-outlet HS300, but the cheaper three-outlet KP303 is our pick ...
the best outdoor smart plugs turn any outlet-powered gadget connected to them ‘smart’ by linking them to your Wi-Fi network. This lets you control them remotely using a smart assistant or your ...
Wireless internet is undeniably convenient, but it’s also famous for being finicky. There's nothing more infuriating than a a ...