Wiltshire-based battery maker Yuasa has reported a rise in pre-tax profit in its latest financial results, although turnover fell slightly.
View more Yuasa products Yuasa Intruder alarm accessories Yuasa Electronic locking devices Yuasa Power supplies & batteries Yuasa Access control systems & kits ...
Katsutoshi Yuasa (Japanese, b.1978) is a Tokyo-born artist, best-known for his large, detailed woodcuts based on photographs. He received a BA in Fine Art, painting, and printmaking from Musashino Art ...
In September 2012, while attempting to repair an oil pipeline off the coast of Scotland, the diving support ship Bibby Topaz lost control of the automated system of thrusters that held it in place ...
Get your bike road-ready Whether you’re a weekend cruiser, a daily commuter, or an adventure tourer, a Yuasa battery ensures ...
He has been writing professionally for over a decade. In a statement released to Variety, Yuasa addressed his intentions with creating this new studio. “In this era of dramatic change ...