At a glance Expert's Rating Pros ・Wonderfully faithful to the original ・Can run custom games from USB ・HDMI and multiple USB ports Cons ・No power adapter included ・Difficult controls for some ・Games ...
2007 models include Value Package. N/A on Jay Flight JTX models. Only select options below that are in addition to standard equipment and equipment noted in the manufacturer or year notes show above.
The Sinclair ZX Spectrum is fondly remembered by many for being their first introduction into the wonderful world of computing. Its advanced capabilities coupled with a spectacularly low price ...
MOTORHOMES - 1995-current prices include water heater, monitor panel and ladder. Firenza and Avatar models include standard equipment only. In addition to what is standard and otherwise noted, prices ...
ZX Spectrum users, however, had another option in the form of the Microdrive. This was a rather unusual continuous-loop mini-tape cartridge that could store around 100 kB and load it at lightning ...