"Zionism is propelled where Jews do not feel safe or at home in the places they live," he explained. Fear has caused many to retreat into their communities and blind themselves to alternative ...
The following from the editorial columns of The London Jewish Chronicle contains a suggestion that may well be carefully considered by those Americans who are inclined to regard Zionism as at ...
ORIGINS OF ZIONISM: Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor discusses the history of Zionism in the Beam classroom of the Visual Arts Center. The ...
The need for a homeland where Jews could protect themselves was another factor in establishing the Jewish state. After personally experiencing antisemitism, Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern polit ...
We asked him about Zionism, solidarity, and what he thinks a shifting American political landscape means for Gaza. Al Jazeera: You have long said that the tools of Zionism, the nationalist ...
‘Zionism claims that Jews can only be safe from anti-Semitism on the basis of an ethnonational state. It is built on ...
The debate in the Zionist camp over Carter’s legacy as it relates to his relationship with Israel teaches a lesson that extends far past president Carter and the US-Israel relationship.
On October 31, 2024 I debated Abdullah al Andalusi from the Muslim Debate Initiative at Manchester University (UK) on the subject of “Is Anti Zionism Antisemitism”. This is my opening statement.
Samuels is one of a growing number of British Jews who have become increasingly disillusioned with Israel and the promise of Zionism, as well as increasingly involved in the pro-Palestinian movement.