Exiting a tunnel under the Kitayamazaki Cliffs reveals a hidden cove that seems like something out of a fantasy tale. As we emerged from the coastal forest onto a large chunk of granite known as ...
In collaboration with the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka, David Bouley's Brushstroke offers traditional Japanese multi-course cuisine for the Tribeca area. The basic foundation of a traditional ...
Are you a cat or a dog? Japan has several ways to describe a person's personalities based on animalistic behaviors. You might even be a penguin!
As the heat and humidity drop and the leaves start to change color in Japan, there’s almost poetry in the air. Autumn is the season of the arts! Come with us on a journey to Akita Prefecture to see an ...
從歷史脈絡來看,布施曾是交通規劃中的重要據點,其便利性至今仍無可取代——近鐵與大阪地鐵的交會,使得旅人無論前往京都或奈良都十分便捷。如此優越的地理條件,加上商店街獨有的人情味與懷舊感,正是讓「SEKAI HOTEL」決定在此扎根的關鍵理由!
도쿄에서 남쪽 방향 근거리에 위치한 시즈오카현은 개성적인 숙박 시설 및 색다른 요리를 찾아다니는 여행객에게 럭셔리한 여행지로 높은 평가를 받고 있습니다. 본 기사에서는 All about Japan 편집부가 체험한 시즈오카의 ...
杉并区立中央图书馆于1982年开馆。以“自然与建筑的共生”为主题,外观采用统一的银色调,现代感十足且庄严的玻璃幕墙与象征性的喜马拉雅大杉树及建筑周围种植的树木完美融合,与周围 ...
日本的第一大佛,见过的人不少,就是位于奈良东大寺的“卢舍那佛”,简称“奈良大佛”。这是扶桑最大的青铜佛像,高约15米。建于奈良时代(8世纪),是圣武天皇时期为祈求国家安宁而 ...
Shizuoka is famous for it’s tea and the green rows of tea plantations make for a striking location from which to see Mt. Fuji. I was sure Mt. Fuji was stalking us. One minute, it was looming on our ...
靜岡以日本茶的產地聞名,整齊排列的綠色茶園成為欣賞富士山的魅力景點。 來到靜岡,總覺得富士山一路「尾隨」著我們。一下子聳立在右方雲端,隨著車子蜿蜒行駛,轉眼又隱沒在伊豆半島 ...
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